Jón Arnar Einarsson

Jón Arnar Einarsson is a young Icelandic trombonist, langspil player, singer, composer/arranger, program developer and producer. He has a BA & MA in music from The Norwegian Academy of Music.  During his studies Jón was on several occasions invited to represent the Academy in international creative entrepreneurship seminars and courses and was later asked to be assistant teacher in two courses at the Academy.

Jón is an outstanding chamber musician who plays in various ensembles and projects, among others: the stage performance group Duo Nyjung, the folk music ensemble Varaþytur and the new music ensemble Nordic Trombone Quartet. In 2019 Jón received a grant for Reykjavik as part of the Young Artists in Residence program (Listhópar Hins Hússins) to play and share Icelandic folk music in Reykjavik. Since then, he has played langspil and spread folk music in many settings, both as a soloist and in small ensembles. Jón has also played in the esteemed folk music festival Þjóðlagahátíð á Siglufirði on five different occasions and has worked closely with the festival arranger Gunnsteinn Ólafsson.

In NORÐFÓLK 2024 Jón’s role will be as a producer and program developer/arranger along with being a workshop teacher and performer. His prior experience researching, performing, and arranging Icelandic folk music will be valuable, as will his experience working with children. On top of these achievements Jón currently holds the position of Principal Trombone of the Icelandic Symphony Orchestra.
