Pétur Eggertsson

Pétur Eggerts is a composer who works via visual and performance art. The transformation of sound through arbitrary translations into various mediums (or vice versa) is a focal point in his work, combined with the augmentation and examination of performer and audience roles. Spectators may find themselves influencing the progression of a piece and performers can end up in unfamiliar territories. Pétur is first and foremost interested in the customs and functions of musical performances and wants to create intervention possibilities for all involved. His pieces often go wrong and it can be difficult to decipher if the mistakes are by intention or not. Pétur graduated with a BA in music composition from Iceland University of the Arts in 2018 and a masters degree from Mills College in Oakland, CA in 2020.  Pétur has performed and worked with various musicians and artists through the years and his pieces have been performed or exhibited widely. He is additionally a member of the techno-violin duo Geigen and the rock group Skelkur í bringu and creates experimental dance music under the alias Hjalti Kaftu. 
