Jóna G. Kolbrúnardóttir

Jóna G. Kolbrúnardóttir began her studies at The Reykjavík School of Singing and Vocal Arts and graduated in the spring of 2014 under the guidance of Harpa Harðardóttir. Jóna continued her studies at the University of Music and Performing Arts, Vienna and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in 2018 under the guidance of Univ. Prof. Gabriele Lechner. Jóna has participated in various master courses, e.g. with Anne Sofie von Otter, Christine Schäfer and Stephan M. Lademann. Jóna has received various grants for outstanding achievements in singing, among others, from the Rotary Foundation of Iceland and also in Vienna. She graduated with a master's degree in the spring of 2021 from the Opera Academy at The Royal Opera House in Copenhagen under the guidance of Helene Gjerris and Susanna Eken. Jóna has been visible in the music scene in Iceland in recent years. She has performed as a soloist in various concerts with the Icelandic Symphony Orchestra but also with the major choirs in Iceland. Jóna has performed with the Icelandic Opera and at the Royal Opera in Copenhagen. 

Jóna is one of the founders of the Chamber Opera, a newly founded opera company in Iceland.

The Chamber Opera is creating a platform for smaller opera projects. Jóna is also a member og the chamber quartet organized by the company, which has already performed a lot in the music scene in Iceland. Among her operatic roles are; Gretel in “Hänsel und Gretel”, Anna in “Brothers”, Despina in “Così fan tutte”, Pagagena and Pamina in “Die Zauberflöte”.

Jóna is very interested in singing Lied and the magic and inspiration that the poems and music bring her, both in the work phase and later in the concert hall. She has held numerous Lied Recitals and is always working on new material in that field.

Nordic Echoes